Thursday, May 19th, 2016: Professional Doubles Exhibition & Fundraising Dinner
Saturday, May 21st, 2016: Invitational Team Tournament
The University Club of San Francisco
Category: Uncategorized
Pacific Coast Doubles Squash Championships
January 28-31, 2016
Players: It was one of the best Pacific Coast Doubles Squash Championships in recent memory hosted in San Francisco. Over 80 participants entered in 8 competitive classes. For the three days of the tournament, the two courts at the University Club and the one court at the Olympic Club were filled to capacity.
Special thanks to Urban Green Investments for being the sponsor. And thanks to our patrons Bingham, Osborn, and Scarborough, Charlie Maddison, and George Meyer.
A note from our sponsor:
Dear Tournament Participants,
Thanks to all of you for joining us at the Pacific Coast Doubles Squash Tournament. And special thanks to John Lau for his excellent management of the tournament. We bestow the Iron Man award of the tournament on Kevin Jernigan for playing 6 matches on Saturday, and winning the 50s division on Sunday.
Look forward to seeing all of you next year when the 45th playing of the Pacific Coast Doubles Championships will be hosted in Vancouver!
Peter Lynch President, Urban Green Investments
Thanks to the Olympic Club and Squash Pro Jeff Young for the use of their fine court over the weekend which enabled the tournament to offer a full complement of matches for all players.
Kudos to University Club member, Peter Susskind, for organizing the Saturday evening dinner at the Great Eastern Restaurant. By all accounts, the conviviality was high.
The players from San Francisco are grateful particularly to the players from Vancouver, Portland, and Los Angeles (the cities that make up the Pacific Coast Doubles Community) for their commitment to travel and play every year in this historic tournament. It raised the tournament to a very high quality level which produced superb matches for all to enjoy.
San Franciscans will reciprocate, and will be in Vancouver for the 2017 Pacific Coast tourney in force.
The 81st annual U.S. Squash Doubles Championships will be hosted in Buffalo March 3-6, 2016. The event will be hosted by the Buffalo Tennis & Squash Club, supported by three other area clubs: the Buffalo Club, Computer Task Group and The Saturn Club.
The premier amateur doubles championship of the season, divisions will be contested in Men’s and Women’s Open, men’s age groups ranging from 40+ to 80+, and women’s age groups of 40+ to 50+. Any questions regarding age eligibility should be directed to Matches will begin Thursday evening for Men’s age divisions and Friday morning for all other divisions. For more information, please visit the tournament page.
The regular entry deadline is February 24 at 12:00pm, NOON EST. To enter, visit the 2016 U.S. Squash Doubles tournament page.
Players must be members of US Squash, or another nationally or provincially recognized squash association, through the last day of the event to participate. All players must comply with the US Squash Eyewear Policy.
In addition to match-play, the weekend will include several social events, including a Friday evening reception at the Buffalo Tennis & Squash Club, Saturday night dinner at the Pierce Arrow Museum, and Sunday brunch at the Buffalo Club.
There are four tournament hotels offering special U.S. Squash Doubles Championships rates. Rooms must be booked prior to the end of February to secure the group rate.
The growth of doubles in the U.S. often depends on events like these that draw so many players and such strong competition. If you are interested in becoming a patron of this event, please visit the tournament page. Or, give directly to the US Squash Doubles Fund, created to meet the needs of the rapidly expanding doubles community, to improve available programs, and increase opportunities for young and old alike to experience the wondrous game that is doubles squash.
Upcoming Doubles Tournaments
US Century Doubles – February 19-21, New York
The tenth anniversary U.S. Century Doubles Championships, February 19-21, is projected to be the largest yet. The tournament includes Men’s, Women’s, and Mixed Opens, as well as Men’s A, Legends (60+), Masters (70+) and a Grand Champions Division (80+). All draws require the combined age of each team to be 100 years or greater. Sign Up here
US National Doubles – March 3-6, Buffalo
The 81st annual U.S. Squash Doubles Championships, which runs from March 3-6, will be hosted by four Buffalo-area clubs. The tournament includes Men’s and Women’s Opens, and age groups ranging from 40+ to 80+ for men and 40+ to 50+ for women. Sign up here
Both these tournaments offer partner matching. If you would like to play but do not have a partner sign up as a single entry and we will do our best to match you up appropriately.
If you have any questions regarding either of these tournament, send an email to
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